A range of testing and treatment
Dr Anderson can help with a range of women’s health issues, including gynaecological symptoms, breast, menstrual and hormonal problems. Three main areas we specialise in are Bacterial Vaginosis, Thrush and general Sexual Health, although we can help with an even more varied array of issues.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a bacterial imbalance and a very common cause of vaginal discharge. Although it seldom causes pain, some women experience discomfort and many report embarrassment due to the unpleasant odour of persistent discharge.
Causes of BV
Despite its prevalence, BV is not well understood. It is known that the condition is caused by an imbalance in the natural bacteria in the vagina, whereby the normal, healthy bacteria which reside in the vagina are replaced by ‘bad’ bacteria which usually only live in the bowels.
BV treatments
BV is usually treated with a course of tablets and/or cream/gel. However, more than 50% of women will experience a reoccurrence of BV within a few months. In time BV will reoccur in over 80% of women.
Unfortunately, some will suffer frequent episodes which often prove resistant to standard treatment; they can also be difficult to define using commonly available tests.
We appreciate the impact this troublesome condition has on your everyday life, how it can affect your self-confidence, sex life and sense of wellbeing. We will not trivialise your symptoms, we will listen, examine, test appropriately and devise a treatment plan that may include medication and lifestyle changes, aimed at successfully eradicating your condition and preventing it from returning.
Just some of the problems we treat
- Abdominal pain or bloating
- Breast pain, breast lumps
- Contraceptive services (including advice and prescriptions)
- Infertility/fertility counselling, tests and referral
- Irregular menstruation and irregular spotting / bleeding between periods
- Menopausal symptoms
- Pain during intercourse
- Pelvic pain
- Unusual discharge
Thrush is a yeast-like fungus. It is a common condition and affects 75% of women at some time in their lives and 40% will have more than one episode. Symptoms include itching, irritation, soreness and swelling and usually a creamy, curdy white discharge.
Causes of Thrush
Thrush is caused by the fungus Candida. This is naturally present within the vagina, but thrush occurs when the natural balance between ‘friendly’ bacteria and Candida changes, and the Candida multiplies.
Thrush treatments
Most women can be easily treated with creams, pessaries or a dose of medication. However, 5% of women will experience recurrent thrush (more than 4 episodes in a year) and 1% will suffer almost constantly. It is the women in these two groups that often prove more difficult to treat. This is sometimes because of the repeated use of available anti-fungal treatments has led to the infection becoming drug-resistant, and sometimes it can be because of an underlying predisposition/condition.
Changing lives
Sexual Health
Focus Medical Clinic provides a full sexual health service. We screen for most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhoea and provide treatment and counselling. It’s an entirely confidential service which means we will seek your permission before talking to your GP or passing on any information to them.
We provide a range of sexual health screening options, from the Peace of Mind Screen which tests for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis, to HIV testing, to the Comprehensive Sexual Health Screen which provides a full range of tests.
Sexual Health FAQs
It’s a very good idea to get checked before starting out on a new relationship. Lots of people do. A sexual health check provides peace of mind for you and your partner.
Unfortunately not all STDs have symptoms. And in some cases it can take years before the symptoms appear.
If you receive a positive test result we can discuss treatment options, prescribe medication, and offer counselling and advice.
Come in and we’ll test you. It’ll only take a few minutes. The sooner you get it checked out, the better. If you have even the slightest concern that you may have contracted an STD, come and see us.
A negative test result allows you to stop worrying. And in the case of a positive test, even HIV, early treatment enables people to go on living healthy lives. So, please, call us.
Gain real peace of mind with a sexual health screen.

Get in touch
If you’d like to book a consultation, or simply discuss your options, contact us today.